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Justification of The Title Of Pride and Prejudice

Significance of The Title Pride and Prejudice pdf              A title is one of the important aspects of a novel. A good title should hint at the general theme of the novel and at the same time should carry a deeper meaning. For example, in R.K. Narayan's The Guide,  the title is not only hinting at Raju's profession, but it is also hinting at his seeming guidance as a saint to the people of the village which is highly ironic. So, What does the title Pride and Prejudice mean? What does title indicate figuratively? Here we have commented briefly on the title of Pride and Prejudice. Read on.          The title of Pride and Prejudice is unique- it is not the original title of the novel. The original title of the novel is First Impressions. It was later revised to Pride and Prejudice in 1813. The question now arises is, which of the two title is more apt.         There is a deep-seated irony in the original title of the novel. It is true that first impression is no

Scansion Simplified--- How To Scan A Poem Correctly

Students of English Honours are particularly scared of scansion. I was too. Here I have tried to explain The basics of scansion and I have tried to avoid bookish language as much as possible. Hope this turns out to be useful to you people. To understand scansion, you have to understand these things first- 1. Syllable- Consider the word 'Belong'. If I tell you to break this word in such a way that those broken pieces cant be broken further, how would you do that? You would break it like this- Be+long. The pieces 'be' and 'long' have only one vowel sound. These pieces containing only one vowel sound are called syllables.                   The words 'vote', 'spoke', 'fine' have more than one vowel, yet there is only one vowel sound in each of them. So these three are monosyllables, that is, they have only one syllable (one vowel sound) in them. Clear? 2. Stress or Accent- Accent is a relative emphasis or prominence given to

How Do Mr. Woodifield And The Boss Mourn Their Sons’ Deaths Differently?

The Boss And Mr.Woodifield Mourn Their Sons' Death Differently Let Us Analyse The Characters Of The Boss and Mr. Woodifield The Fly opens in the cosy office-chamber of the Boss. Mr. Woodifield has come to visit the Boss, his old friend. As their conversations start, Mansfield, throiugh her deft use of parallelism and contrast, shows us how the two characters are so similar in their experiences, yet so different in their reaction to their experiences. Many are the similarities between the Boss and Woodifield. Both of them have arrived in the twilight of their lives. While Woodifield has already suffered a stroke, the boss who is five years older to him is still going strong and is at the helm of his business. Both of them faced the painful experience of losing their sons in actions in Belgian front and now their sons lay buried in the same cemetery. Above all, Woodifield and the Boss are good friends- so much so that every Tuesday Woodifiel

Character of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice

               Twenty years after Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication, Jane Austen created Elizabeth Bennet. Elizabeth, as Fullerton says, is a " highly unconventional, new sort of heroine and it is easy for modern readers to understand just how astonishing she was for the readers of the time."            Elizabeth is definitely the heroine of the novel. Not only does she explicitly represent one word of the title of the novel, she also quite thoroughly dominates the action. She is witty, loyal, clever, beautiful and loving. She is a fun loving girl. She likes to laugh at peoples' follies- " She had lively, playful disposition which delighted in anything ridiculous." Her wit and sense of sarcasm is pertinent when, asked to dance with Darcy, she says " Mr Darcy is all politeness." Again, when Darcy reveals his idea of accomplished woman - a  woman who can sing, dance , draw; a woman who has the knowledge of modern music and who has a noticeable

Common Figures Of Speech

Sometimes, you need special effects in a movie in order to make it more interesting. Similarly, writers add special effects to what they write. These special effects are called rhetoric or figures of speech. A figure of speech is a phrase that or a way of saying something that enhances the idea of what is being told. These enhancements can be done in a variety of ways - repetition, sarcastic way of saying, shocking way of saying, referring to inanimate objects as living beings, roundabout way of saying things and what not. Figure of Speech Examples Here are the common figures of speech that are included in University syllabus. Generally people think that mainly there are 8 kinds of figures of speech. However there are hundreds of figures of speech in the English literature. Here are The Top 20 Figures Of Speech ( Along With Bonus 10 Figures Of Speech)    Figure Of Speech     Short Description          Examples          Anti Climax Sudde